Sunday, 29 May 2011

Cave and Dungeon

Quite a bit has happened since my last post, and I will explain most of it with pictures and captions.


I wonder what kind?


Yeah, thats right.
Back Door FTW

I realised that there might be a back door when I found the dungeon, because it was very nearby the iron I mined, which had a hole underneath it. when I was mining the mossy cobblestone a skeleton spawned where it was only just dark enough... I had to go to the toilet afterwards. I couldn't get any screenshots, but I ended up with 1/2 a heart, and with mossy stone as the only block in my hotbar, I placed it in a panic. I managed to find my way back up without dying somehow.


I like torches.

Diamonds and lava!
Its a corridor!

The cave was long and confusing, I'm surprised I made it out alive. after finding more gold and redstone, I came across a gravel deposit with lots of zombie noises. I tried mining towards the sound, and found the end of a tunnel. A zombie appeared from the darkness, which I could handle, but as it turned out it was only making way for two creepers. One exploded, killing the other creeper and the zombie. I made my way through the cave again, fearing being lost, but before I knew it...

The surface!

I had found the surface! it was in a valley over a hill from my house.

ok, I think I maxxed out my pictures per post.... thats crap.
Also how do you spell maxxed? maybe maxed? I think its not a word.
Next post then. I would have called this "finally map!" or something but now it will be cave and dungeon, then surface and map. If you can't see the future, I'm about to make a post showing maps. finding the surface should be briefly followed up by showing it, but what can you do. If I had planned ahead a bit I might have been able to make this one post because of the way blogger acts with pictures, but there is no way I'm making this all again. But what can you do.
Now for what you've all been waiting for...

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