Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Back to minecraft with 1.7.

The adventure update is soon to come out and I haven't done a thing about 1.7 yet! I was waiting oh-so-patiently, I've done heaps of stuff with the pistons, but I just haven't blogged about it yet. So! First, here's the recipes for the normal piston:
 And here's the one for the sticky piston:
If you're wondering what the difference is, the sticky piston can pull back a block when it retracts, unlike the regular one. And it costs a slime ball.

Maybe it would be important to say how pistons work. When they get powered by redstone, the piston protracts itself in the direction it's facing, and when it loses power it retracts.
With some fancy-complicated redstone you can do some really cool stuff with them, but this journey will not be about that; it will be about me getting the resources to make them. I may have to kill a slime.

Saturday, 2 July 2011


Hmmm.... I tried embedding the KKRO swf and red vs. yellow showed the KKRO one... Strange. I'll try to fix it.
I tried again, and it appears that blogger can only show 1 swf at a time. You know what, Fuck it. I'm joining tumblr. I'm getting all my crap off this blog. I'm tired of trying to deal with blogger like this. Look at all that tumblr has to offer http://www.tumblr.com/. This blog is about flash games and minecraft, and minecraft only just won't do. Goodbye Caroline. That shall be the last reference on this blog.
I'm going away from the internet for a while, then I will make a blog on Tumblr. Or maybe I'll have flash on tumblr and minecraft on Blogger. Who knows.

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

SWF hosting!

well, I've found a website that is for swf hosting, http://megaswf.com/, and I signed in with my blogger account. hopefully I will be able to embed the swfs somehow, I think I would be able to. Here goes nothing (I'm trying to embed the flash file)...
OMG it works!! Thank you megaswf! Thank you blogger! I'm off to like megaswf on facebook...
Blogger, I take back all those mean things I said, I was being ignorant of you're flash hosting powers.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Surface and Maps!


I think I'll call this
Surface Valley
I had a swim with
a sheep in this pond.

I was incredibly glad to find the surface. I felt like I had finished my journey, I had explored enough caves to find the necessary resources for a compass for the map. At some point I had found some reeds (in an upcoming screenshot). Seeing as I had what I needed, and finished the blogged journey as an extension of that, I felt like taking some more screenshots from atop the mountain/overhang my house was based in. Get ready for some awesome landscape...

Reeds are in
the bottom left corner

My wheat farm and
reed farm in the background
Another angle of
Surface Valley at sunset

I think that wraps up surface, but Blogger is really being annoying with uploading pictures so I might have to edit this post later. And I can't show .swfs? Or even link to a different section of the site showing them? At the moment I would not recommend Blogger to anyone, might change to some other blog site. But maybe not. We will see.
Ok, time for the rest of the post:


Here's what you all been waiting for, the map! as you will see they are named with a number, starting with map_0 and then map_1 and so forth.

For some reason my
right arm is grey.
If you look up it tilts
down, good if there are no
holes in front of you

you can look up more than this,
but you get the idea.
Craft with 8 paper around
a compass.

Here's the recipe for a compass,
if you didn't already know it.

There we have it! Apparently in the future maps will be able to be cloned and named for multiplayer, and you can place them on walls for town maps and stuff. Awesome.

This map has been really fun to play, with some great memories, like the dungeon, the cave, the joy of finding the surface, the beautiful grass, it was the best. 

Hmm.... I'll have a look at http://notch.tumblr.com/post/5861083562/minecraft-beta-1-6 to see if I've missed anything...
There's no way I'm listing all those bugfixes, but:
Mushrooms now grow, but super slowly. That means mushroom stew is now a replenishable rescource, and it heals 5 hearts, better than porkchop (4), and only beaten by cake and golden apples. food info... http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Food
Nether works in multiplayer now and apparently the yogscast (http://www.youtube.com/user/BlueXephos) have done a video on it, and it sounds cool. Something awesome happens when you try to go to sleep in the nether, up to you guys to find out what. This might change some time though.
Now there are 15 records, but they aren't in game yet, so they should be appearing in the future. Just like pistons. Perhaps I should say something about those.
Pistons are powered by redstone and simply extend one block when powered, and contract again when unpowered. But these will make way for some interesting creations, from mob grinders to puzzles to mazes with moving parts. Minecraft wiki page: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Pistons. This is the one update I am most looking forward to, as I can see so much potential for it in multiplayer.

Well thats the end of this 1.6 blog journey (that's what I called the world), I won't be playing this world any more, or maybe I will. But I doubt I will post on it anymore. Hope you enjoyed my "tutorial" on 1.6, and feel free to comment. You can only comment on single posts, so if you want to comment on the story as a whole, comment on this one. If you want to comment on a certain part, maybe comment on that. To comment, click the grey writing on the top of the post, then leave a comment in the comment section underneath the post. Bye bye for now, I think my next post will be about a flash game. Probably my text adventure.

err, for some reason the text changed font in this post, edited it now. but it's still acting weird. sorry for the text being not as close together as the rest, also it doesn't auto capitalise for sentences, which is why you might notice all of my uncapitalised first letters, another reason blogger is letting me down. I hear on tumblr you can get your own domain, yet another reason for tumblr, sigh....

Cave and Dungeon

Quite a bit has happened since my last post, and I will explain most of it with pictures and captions.


I wonder what kind?


Yeah, thats right.
Back Door FTW

I realised that there might be a back door when I found the dungeon, because it was very nearby the iron I mined, which had a hole underneath it. when I was mining the mossy cobblestone a skeleton spawned where it was only just dark enough... I had to go to the toilet afterwards. I couldn't get any screenshots, but I ended up with 1/2 a heart, and with mossy stone as the only block in my hotbar, I placed it in a panic. I managed to find my way back up without dying somehow.


I like torches.

Diamonds and lava!
Its a corridor!

The cave was long and confusing, I'm surprised I made it out alive. after finding more gold and redstone, I came across a gravel deposit with lots of zombie noises. I tried mining towards the sound, and found the end of a tunnel. A zombie appeared from the darkness, which I could handle, but as it turned out it was only making way for two creepers. One exploded, killing the other creeper and the zombie. I made my way through the cave again, fearing being lost, but before I knew it...

The surface!

I had found the surface! it was in a valley over a hill from my house.

ok, I think I maxxed out my pictures per post.... thats crap.
Also how do you spell maxxed? maybe maxed? I think its not a word.
Next post then. I would have called this "finally map!" or something but now it will be cave and dungeon, then surface and map. If you can't see the future, I'm about to make a post showing maps. finding the surface should be briefly followed up by showing it, but what can you do. If I had planned ahead a bit I might have been able to make this one post because of the way blogger acts with pictures, but there is no way I'm making this all again. But what can you do.
Now for what you've all been waiting for...

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Iron! Gold! hatches!

well, I've gone mining and I found what I was looking for... eventually.

Finally! Precious coal!
Here we have gold,
taunting me.

there turned out to be
a huge cave to the left.
Why didn't I get a picture of
these before?
because I'm stupid.

enough Iron for 1 compass and one iron pick,
to get a total of 10 gold! still need redstone though.

I should have a map my the next post, maybe after this I will try to get some of my flash games onto blogger, but it might be hard, I don't think it allows flash files (.swf); so I might have to find some other website to keep the files on, and I will link to them. That would get really annoying.

Friday, 27 May 2011

1.6! First Post!

alright! first post! time for a few things on 1.6. Notch's blog has everything, but I'll get what's important in a small, cube shaped box, ready for you. yes you. first off...

Here are some pictures...

But Mum! There are wild
Pokemon in the tall grass!

 that was a reference to

Oh great, gold before
Iron or even coal.

I'll try to get a map later, still need some iron
and redstone for a compass. Until then...